5:37 PM - hope guides me it is what gets me through the day and especially the night............
Current mood: accomplished
Category: Art and Photography
.............the hope that once your gone from my sight it will not be the last time i look upon you.
Well well well folks here I am I ve been a lil busy though I ve spent oodles of hours on the internet ... YAY for forums.kittierocks.com .... the chat is back up lol many hours in high school were spent in that room with the kool kats that reside on that site and its been good catching up with them.
On the PCS front still not moved in!!! lol I move in thursday woot woot haha and house hold goods/rental good come friday and also even bigger news SPIDER MAN 3 OPENS AND I WILL BE SEEING IT HELLS YESS.... it means more emphasis when you add in "s"
lol I ll have pictures of the place up sometime lol I dont know when I ll have internet at my place yet so that could be a week it could be longer I do not know. Aaanyway no car ordererd yet dispite my impulse I m trying to be smart and wait till I have all the other manditory finances worked out and I know exactly what I have left so I m holding my self back ... but my predeterminations and budgeting I have done it looks like a go hahahahaaa
Now for my pride and joys for the last weeks
art I have actually finished 2.5 pieces lol 1 of Blood Rayne and Hawk Girl battleing it out I have two versions of it lol the first draft which is the .5 where Rayne is in her BloodRayne 2 dress and the second more refined much better version of her in her Traditional Battle Leather lol.
The second piece GoGo Suicide, GoGo Zombie Army Poster haha... GoGo which if you read the sur name you can properly come to the conclusion that she is a Suicide Girl, come on now your on this site you should know. She sent me a signed print recently and I made her a GoGo Zombie Army poster... shes big into zombies and just got a awesome tattoo while in L.A. but thats going off on a tangent..go to her profile and check it out yourself ... anyway awesomness on her all around real nice gal, lol shes from italy lol shes an exception alongside her wifie Maia Suicide, to the phrase gaaahh I hate italians lol... anyway the pictures are in my photos under GoGo's Zombie Army lol. people so go there comment now!

Current mood: accomplished
Category: Art and Photography
.............the hope that once your gone from my sight it will not be the last time i look upon you.
Well well well folks here I am I ve been a lil busy though I ve spent oodles of hours on the internet ... YAY for forums.kittierocks.com .... the chat is back up lol many hours in high school were spent in that room with the kool kats that reside on that site and its been good catching up with them.
On the PCS front still not moved in!!! lol I move in thursday woot woot haha and house hold goods/rental good come friday and also even bigger news SPIDER MAN 3 OPENS AND I WILL BE SEEING IT HELLS YESS.... it means more emphasis when you add in "s"

Now for my pride and joys for the last weeks

The second piece GoGo Suicide, GoGo Zombie Army Poster haha... GoGo which if you read the sur name you can properly come to the conclusion that she is a Suicide Girl, come on now your on this site you should know. She sent me a signed print recently and I made her a GoGo Zombie Army poster... shes big into zombies and just got a awesome tattoo while in L.A. but thats going off on a tangent..go to her profile and check it out yourself ... anyway awesomness on her all around real nice gal, lol shes from italy lol shes an exception alongside her wifie Maia Suicide, to the phrase gaaahh I hate italians lol... anyway the pictures are in my photos under GoGo's Zombie Army lol. people so go there comment now!

Were you in a library mister LOL?