Gahhh I m horrible at updating this one I serioulsy want to I m on the site daily theres no reason not to. But when I type I wanna type alot lol thers a lot thats happend alot thats changed and a lot thats staied the same not that this gets read really lol... but heres a copy paste from my myspace just to give this some fluff cause I need to go to bed, not tired but its still needed... especially since i m starting to write random ... funny probably only to my tired mind comments to people here and on myspace the madness must end! I sware I ll try and update this more often.. but then again I m trying to stop swaring lol hahaaa bad joke...
18 Dec 06 Monday
4:54 AM - Train Hopping Cat Dropping Wall Climbing Swings Of Death
Current mood: peaceful
Category: Life
Ok well this has been a really random weekend, good though over all there have been some bumps in the road. But there are very few raods that are paved perfectly especially the one I ve been traveling but i guess I hit a fres spot of black top for the weekend. Did somethign spectacular happen no not really, events were just good and fun..... I know far shot from my usual cryptic depressed blogs my bad I m sure you give it till my next post something will trip off some pissy blog. Buuuut for the mean time my mind is in a pretty comfy spot, like being in bed with fresh out the dryer sheets lol.. lol... but yeah anyway mini recap cause I feel like rambling a bit.
First off I "lost" a cat I guess, but it was found so I was awoken from my slumber about an hour or so into it cause it was found and needed to go back to its home...... like two hours away or something like that maybe more maybe less I dunno time went by well on the road. Reminded me of better days... with people nothing like the ones I was actually with which is kind of weird cause it felt just like it should like it was the older days. But it wasnt it was a whole new beast, but good. So we get there had some steak balls cause apprently the italian steak house was retarted and could make a normal looking steak .... was good infact i ve been wanting more steak ever since. Spent the night down there lol plaied some guitar hero for the first time... the game is addicting I must say... definatly just another way to get carpletunnel though lol.... I dont even know if thats spelt right but pshhh when do I ever spell propperly. Anyways....lets where was I.... ok yeah sleep over and video games lol long long time since thats ever happened.... found out one of my friends talks in their sleep lol ... well more so confimed it cause its been said before just never heard it with my own ears.... funny stuff... on to the next day.... couple lumps in the pvement there but ya know things happen and honestly I m pretty sure these bumps will smooth out with time .... not my bumps though so hey whatever... right....ok maybe not but these bumps are jsut something of a different nature.... So got back here there was the Christmas party... wooooo!... no not at all not even close... same old crap just this time people were getting drunk in nice cloths and in a big room.
Today went on a random trip, B.J./T.R. you'd be proud train hopped the entire thing. Had a blastie in probably one of the worlds most dangerous parks, no saftey standards were taken in the building of this place it was a crazy straw insane.. no sane straws in that park....I have a crap load of pictures... stand up teeder todders... crazy bending balance beams.... a swing basket fill with four people when it should maybe only fit two.... swings ...rickety swings.... an a ZIP LINE lol plus randomly climing a wall was a fun day indeed good times.
I had sushi which was really only like the third time but hey why not, I m not really a fan but its not nasty just all tastes the same really minus he ones with crab and shrimp cause... duh crab and shrimp.
Ahhh crap losing that train of thought... focusing on too much at once chatting away with someone as stubborn as me... gahh...
Oh evening returned home... had a good chat late in the evening unexpected with a good friend didnt really talk about anything but talked about a lot was nice havent really had a convo like that in a long time... happened a lil yesturday too... kinda reawakened part of me that jsut hasnt been there in a while.. funny since yesturday i guess i ve been doing things that are "out of character" for me when really it isnt its just part of me that been in cold storage, and just needed the right circumstances to thaw it out. But yeah its weird cause in all honesty i think i should actually be kinda depressed right now and lil distracted in my mind just cause thats usually how things tend to be after stuff.... but no i pretty at ease... and that convo brought up things i seriously never talk about so why am i like this i dunno... that goes along side other things too.... my usual depressant the whole yeah... well its weird cause yeah this weekend just made things ... well i gues sno worse cause they just dont seem to be that way, but i definatly fell harder... its amazing just how your perseption of a person can change drastically...well i guess they really didnt change its not like i just fell... i fell al ong time ago not but just fell some more I guess, which you think I would be all like whoa is me n crap, I want what I can have type deal but honestly I dont know if I m just at humble grounds or just happy cause things are really good they way they are or what I dont know, but I definatly fell farther but I definalty are more than happy with what I have and even though I want ... yeah really would like thing to me more so... I know the why not, I ve accepted it, not that the occational what if doesnt pop in cause the door isnt shut and locked things can change may not but you never truely know for sure but its just kinda really good the way they are and no need to screw any of it up by persuing anything more I dunno its just I guess I figures lol why did I say it like that .. anyway if its ment to be it will be if not I still have something and its a good something very good and if I push something thats not ment to be then theres nothing and fuck that...quarter on the key board... lol ... no one that read that gets that do you...well maybe i think I ve told some of you.. anyway lol going wayward...seriously though I think I have reached that humble grounds with it finnaly cause well just trust me its cause of many reasons... so many but I ve fallen and I cant get up like the old lady but its just whatever, I have a great friendship well at least the makings of a great one time makes it great and theres still more time, but its on that good route and its good.... and its clearing my head alot with out cluttering it up.
Gahh ramble ramble ramble thats what going to happen here and i need to go to sell I have crap to do in the morning so seriously I need to shut up. Theres more to say but I ve been too distracted in another window with soemthings just seems to go no where fast and I dont want to give up but apprently I have no choice theres no winning some things not even a tie.
Night people I need a hair cut and I think I ll get one before work which means I have to actually wake up early'ish ewww... .... you know i type what i think generally .. lol had this convo ealier deja vu lol but yeah so that "ew" I just thought that.... what the hell.... now no one at read thst really knows anything about that but gahh lol thats out of character and a rub on thats how ou know its a far fall cause generally I m not worn off on easily.
ok Sleep talking too much and its too late
There you go SG.... one maybe two readers if I pretend to be wishful ... may i become more active! ... may I do more than look and read maybe I ll even try and make some friends lol.
Out -Spider
18 Dec 06 Monday
4:54 AM - Train Hopping Cat Dropping Wall Climbing Swings Of Death
Current mood: peaceful
Category: Life
Ok well this has been a really random weekend, good though over all there have been some bumps in the road. But there are very few raods that are paved perfectly especially the one I ve been traveling but i guess I hit a fres spot of black top for the weekend. Did somethign spectacular happen no not really, events were just good and fun..... I know far shot from my usual cryptic depressed blogs my bad I m sure you give it till my next post something will trip off some pissy blog. Buuuut for the mean time my mind is in a pretty comfy spot, like being in bed with fresh out the dryer sheets lol.. lol... but yeah anyway mini recap cause I feel like rambling a bit.
First off I "lost" a cat I guess, but it was found so I was awoken from my slumber about an hour or so into it cause it was found and needed to go back to its home...... like two hours away or something like that maybe more maybe less I dunno time went by well on the road. Reminded me of better days... with people nothing like the ones I was actually with which is kind of weird cause it felt just like it should like it was the older days. But it wasnt it was a whole new beast, but good. So we get there had some steak balls cause apprently the italian steak house was retarted and could make a normal looking steak .... was good infact i ve been wanting more steak ever since. Spent the night down there lol plaied some guitar hero for the first time... the game is addicting I must say... definatly just another way to get carpletunnel though lol.... I dont even know if thats spelt right but pshhh when do I ever spell propperly. Anyways....lets where was I.... ok yeah sleep over and video games lol long long time since thats ever happened.... found out one of my friends talks in their sleep lol ... well more so confimed it cause its been said before just never heard it with my own ears.... funny stuff... on to the next day.... couple lumps in the pvement there but ya know things happen and honestly I m pretty sure these bumps will smooth out with time .... not my bumps though so hey whatever... right....ok maybe not but these bumps are jsut something of a different nature.... So got back here there was the Christmas party... wooooo!... no not at all not even close... same old crap just this time people were getting drunk in nice cloths and in a big room.
Today went on a random trip, B.J./T.R. you'd be proud train hopped the entire thing. Had a blastie in probably one of the worlds most dangerous parks, no saftey standards were taken in the building of this place it was a crazy straw insane.. no sane straws in that park....I have a crap load of pictures... stand up teeder todders... crazy bending balance beams.... a swing basket fill with four people when it should maybe only fit two.... swings ...rickety swings.... an a ZIP LINE lol plus randomly climing a wall was a fun day indeed good times.
I had sushi which was really only like the third time but hey why not, I m not really a fan but its not nasty just all tastes the same really minus he ones with crab and shrimp cause... duh crab and shrimp.
Ahhh crap losing that train of thought... focusing on too much at once chatting away with someone as stubborn as me... gahh...
Oh evening returned home... had a good chat late in the evening unexpected with a good friend didnt really talk about anything but talked about a lot was nice havent really had a convo like that in a long time... happened a lil yesturday too... kinda reawakened part of me that jsut hasnt been there in a while.. funny since yesturday i guess i ve been doing things that are "out of character" for me when really it isnt its just part of me that been in cold storage, and just needed the right circumstances to thaw it out. But yeah its weird cause in all honesty i think i should actually be kinda depressed right now and lil distracted in my mind just cause thats usually how things tend to be after stuff.... but no i pretty at ease... and that convo brought up things i seriously never talk about so why am i like this i dunno... that goes along side other things too.... my usual depressant the whole yeah... well its weird cause yeah this weekend just made things ... well i gues sno worse cause they just dont seem to be that way, but i definatly fell harder... its amazing just how your perseption of a person can change drastically...well i guess they really didnt change its not like i just fell... i fell al ong time ago not but just fell some more I guess, which you think I would be all like whoa is me n crap, I want what I can have type deal but honestly I dont know if I m just at humble grounds or just happy cause things are really good they way they are or what I dont know, but I definatly fell farther but I definalty are more than happy with what I have and even though I want ... yeah really would like thing to me more so... I know the why not, I ve accepted it, not that the occational what if doesnt pop in cause the door isnt shut and locked things can change may not but you never truely know for sure but its just kinda really good the way they are and no need to screw any of it up by persuing anything more I dunno its just I guess I figures lol why did I say it like that .. anyway if its ment to be it will be if not I still have something and its a good something very good and if I push something thats not ment to be then theres nothing and fuck that...quarter on the key board... lol ... no one that read that gets that do you...well maybe i think I ve told some of you.. anyway lol going wayward...seriously though I think I have reached that humble grounds with it finnaly cause well just trust me its cause of many reasons... so many but I ve fallen and I cant get up like the old lady but its just whatever, I have a great friendship well at least the makings of a great one time makes it great and theres still more time, but its on that good route and its good.... and its clearing my head alot with out cluttering it up.
Gahh ramble ramble ramble thats what going to happen here and i need to go to sell I have crap to do in the morning so seriously I need to shut up. Theres more to say but I ve been too distracted in another window with soemthings just seems to go no where fast and I dont want to give up but apprently I have no choice theres no winning some things not even a tie.
Night people I need a hair cut and I think I ll get one before work which means I have to actually wake up early'ish ewww... .... you know i type what i think generally .. lol had this convo ealier deja vu lol but yeah so that "ew" I just thought that.... what the hell.... now no one at read thst really knows anything about that but gahh lol thats out of character and a rub on thats how ou know its a far fall cause generally I m not worn off on easily.
ok Sleep talking too much and its too late
There you go SG.... one maybe two readers if I pretend to be wishful ... may i become more active! ... may I do more than look and read maybe I ll even try and make some friends lol.
Out -Spider
i was always warned against the likes of you dear, a profile of a typical serial murderer ![wink](