I like cookies. I feel cookies could put an end to war and religious persecution. A renaissance period would ensue creating growth and prosperity. Delapidated buildings could be restored to their original state, the economy would flourish, there would be no more war mongering; peace, love and unity would be the new theme for the world as a whole. ...or they could create the apocalypse,...
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heh thanks love.

i love portishead and garbage as well. yr whole list is good.
Recouping from last nights festivities. My friend and his wife got into a HUGE fight, so it kinda sucked some of the fun out of the evening, but all in all it was a great time.

Listening to: Abba
Dude....ABBA is soooo hardcore! wink

[Edited on Jul 12, 2004 11:40AM]
i fixed it...yay for me not knowing how to use a mac... wink
It's hot as a bastard out! Woke up at 1pm from a nice little slumber. Went and saw Harry Potter last night....good times. Have to drive to Alto in a few minutes to pick up a couple kegs w/ some friends. Nothing like a party on a sunny Sunday.
Listening to : Auf der Maur smile
making friends i see... eeek ...i better be your favorite though cause i was the first...hehe...i popped your friend cherry... wink

so when you coming out to visit me????
Recouping from last night a little bit. My friend and his wife got into a HUGE fight so it kinda sucked some of the fun out, but all in all it was a great time for all!

Listening to:Abba ;-)
Went out and had some fun last night. I ended up getting home a little later than I had planned, but oh well, it was a Friday night right? Have to do some running around today: go to the store, wash the hooptie, band practice, run,etc...My friends are having a big party tomorrow, so I might try to save some energy for that lil shindig....
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I downloaded one of your songs, Drown. It was good, we need more bands like you around these parts!
Hey, not much. What's up with you?
Another friend of Evan's? Sweet!
Have I met you yet? If not, I probably will eventually.

Rock on!
Tired, Tired, Tired.
I'm glad it's Friday, otherwise I might go postal. I hink I'm going to have to go out tonight smile

Bumblebee Tuna
You've been here since November and I'm just now hearing about you? What band are you in?
Hmmm... I have never heard of those bands. I did see Dissonant a couple of times, they were alright. I really don't get out as much as I used to. I'm all corporate now, with my first shift job! smile But I go to what I can, in fact I am really good friends with Chris from Kamilla, he's always bugging me to come watch 'em play!
I'm tired as fuck!! Long night last night. I got my victrola tattoo taken care of and now am plotting where to put the next one. It's going to be interwoven w/ the last couple I've had done, but want to make sure it's place in the best possible spot to excentuate the entire piece.

Mood: smile
so where are the pics of this so called tattoo that you got? i don't believe you i think it's all a lie... wink
Hellz yeah it's Wednesday!!! I love having abbreviated work weeks. I'm going to get more ink tonight. Continue he work on my left arm. When all is said and done, I'll have a half sleep of music/imagery from the roaring 20's. Rock n' Ri-zoll!!!! ARRR!!!
Gotta love three day weekends! i didn't really do much for the 4th. Went to a party and got eaten alive by mosquitos was about it. Something about being outside in a dense forest when it's damp and humid really doesn't do anything for me. I think I might try to have fun today....the beach is calling my name. ooo aaa
i think you're kinda cute... kiss
It's Friday!!!!!!!! Looking forward to relaxing this weekend. I usually end up sleeping the first part of Saturday away anyway.

Shit...just spilled coffee..ugh

Hopefully it's a nice weekend. I have a ton of yardwork that needs to get accomplished. It'd probably be easier to light the lawn on fire and start anew rather than try to resolve the issue w/ gradual steps.

Still pissed I...
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Woke up feeling pretty good today. The last week I've been hacking my brains out, so it was a pleasant surprise to be able to wake up w/out a lung at my side.

Checked out "Auf der Maur" this morning. She's gorgeous and extremely talented. I really dig the solo work that she has produced. Added bonus: The "Taste You" video in french....oooohh yeaaahh! love

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Ta for the comment. kiss
You're a placebo fan? I love them! I missed seeing them play live twice in Europe - it was brutal. Some day, perphaps.
Seeing Placebo in Europe would be quite incredible. If they came to my neck of the woods, they'd probably be at some hole in the wall bar. The DVD is pretty cool. They put on an awesome performance! If you decide to take off to Europe to ck. them out, give me a call. wink
Does anything ever go as planned?

Seems like there are always a million obstacles to deal w/ when playing in a band. Trying to keep everybody on the path towards the same goal would be a great success story. Ugh!!

Time to take off from work. Put my 10 hours in and now it's time to put up posters for our upcoming show.

Hope to...
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