Hello,hello...long time no update-y. I ended up moving back in with my parents, who see no point in getting me back online if I'm once again moving in a month. So, the only time I can get on here to check everything out briefly is when I'm at my cousin's. Mmmm, thanks to everybody for the birthday wishes. I had a good time out in Chicago, but the sad fact is we paid 20 bucks a head to get into some "trendy" bar that was boring as shit. We did end up leaving to hit up my favorite place pretty early. I just want my money back, bitches! Not much else has been going on, just been playing alcoholic and hanging out with my friends as much as possible before I go back out to California.

oh my lord we are into the same things what a dream
i love jethro tull that awsome not to many yung people have ever herd of them