~...Trusting my soul to the ice-cream assassin...~
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Sunday Sep 13, 2009
Gah, once again, haven't been here for months!!! lol I'm shocking at … -
Wednesday Jul 01, 2009
Well, my quarterly payment is due today, it looks like I'll be here f… -
Saturday Feb 28, 2009
*stutter* I kinda 'forgot' what this site is about....and I caught… -
Friday May 23, 2008
ugh, Hungover. Not that surprising really! -
Friday May 23, 2008
Well, never under estimate the power of A TEQUILA FUCKING WORM. I do… -
Monday May 19, 2008
ugh being sick sucks! I can't sleep cos I HATE breathing through my … -
Thursday Feb 14, 2008
Wednesday 13th February 2008 PJ Harvey The Civic, Auckland. PJ H… -
Friday Jan 18, 2008
oh woo, I finally figured out how to add my Last.fm thingo here. I'm… -
Tuesday Jan 01, 2008
Well well well. It's a new year!! Woo! -
Monday Nov 12, 2007
woohoo party countdown...!!
I'm glad your coffee date went well.
I'm in Philadelphia this weekend. I went to Dracula's Ball last night. It was fun even though Unto Ashes cancelled out at the last minute so the first band was an unknown group called Anders Manga. They were ok.
Carfax Abbey was good. The sound system wasn't the best, but they still put on a good show. I'll write more about it in my journal when I get back home tomorrow.
I could use a drink or two...maybe a whiskey sour. I didn't drink at the Ball so I wouldn't end up on the endless line for the bathroom. Besides public restrooms make we want to
I bought around 17 new CDs this weekend. Luckily most of them are used. Oh and I won a CD at the Ball. It would be nice except that I already have it: Corvus Corax (Best of album).
You'll have to give me the web address for the radio show...sounds good, I'd love to have someone to play all the songs I like
Ta for now! Talk to you soon