*I know the truth lies in between the 1st and the 40th drink*
More Blogs
Sunday May 13, 2007
Ok, so now Wee Willy Winkie is a thief!! I was sitting in the lounge… -
Friday May 04, 2007
Hmm, so I am officially unemployed. And rather hung over from much c… -
Tuesday May 01, 2007
woo one more day to go.....!!! -
Saturday Apr 28, 2007
fark, so I have, like 4 days left at work. thats pretty serial you … -
Monday Apr 16, 2007
Ok, so I think I'm gonna quit my job this week.... I've got a job … -
Wednesday Apr 04, 2007
Oh god how long has it been since I was here last! Woo! I managed to… -
Monday Dec 11, 2006
meh journals are such hard work!! Oh god and it's been so long sin… -
Friday Sep 29, 2006
WOohoohhooo...we are going to see Black Label Society tonight!! ::gl… -
Sunday Jul 09, 2006
MMk, so Monday's are NOT fun at the gym! Only my second week in and …
see u later
I hope you had a good time with no
The Morbid Curiosity website is pretty good, not as good as the magazine, but not bad. I *really* want to get the back issues. And I'm still trying to think of a good story to submit. I'm torn between the nose bleed story and one involving a creepy guy following me..