Gah, once again, haven't been here for months!!! lol I'm shocking at keeping up these days....I don't want to say I spend all my time on Facebook, but it comes a close second to World of Warcraft at the moment.
So anyway, what's new!! Managed to get tickets to see Fleetwood Mac in December this year, man am I excited about that!!! Freakin' awesome.....I finally get to gaze upon the ethereal Miss Stevie Nicks in the FLESH....she's lookin good for her age
<3 and can't wait to see Lindsay bend that guitar of his, dude is a legend....not sure if "I'm So Afraid" is on the setlist but Christ that song has one of the best guitar solo's in it that I've ever seen, on the dvd, The Dance. And I wonder if he and Stevie will play up to one another as much as they do on The Dance. Some real chemistry between those two, it's electric.
Home sick with a cold today, haven't had one for a while...I feel quite yucky!! Hopefully be ok for work tomorrow though. Had a nap on the couch before and woke up feeling awful, blech!!
Well I'm off to have a snoop around the site, and get back to feeling sorry for myself, ha!
So anyway, what's new!! Managed to get tickets to see Fleetwood Mac in December this year, man am I excited about that!!! Freakin' awesome.....I finally get to gaze upon the ethereal Miss Stevie Nicks in the FLESH....she's lookin good for her age

Home sick with a cold today, haven't had one for a while...I feel quite yucky!! Hopefully be ok for work tomorrow though. Had a nap on the couch before and woke up feeling awful, blech!!
Well I'm off to have a snoop around the site, and get back to feeling sorry for myself, ha!