Ok, so now Wee Willy Winkie is a thief!! I was sitting in the lounge the other morning, playing on the PS2 as you do, and in he comes with this thing dangling from his mouth....drops it on the ground, and it's a child's little blue glove!!! It was covered in grass and such, so I'm guessing it was laying around the neighbours yard, but still!! Here I was thinking it was something alive, or recently alive. And it was just an inanimate object. I hope to god the kid isn't buried in the yard or something
lol kidding. I'm still waiting for him to bring the partner to it. He's such a cutey. He played with it for ages.

heh... your cat is cuuuuute!!!
at least it was just a mitten he brought in! --- my neighbour's cat has a habit of dropping mice on my front doorstep! --- always pleasant to wake up to in the morning
(scratches arm for effect!)