meh journals are such hard work!!
Oh god and it's been so long since I blogged myself (ehehe that sounds rude) that I put the damn thing in as a comment of my previous entry and had to delete it!! arggggh!!!!! hehe dumbass
In other news, I finally have a 'lectric guitar.....wheeee....learning is hard. But practise makes perfect as they say. I was doing ok, and then didn't pick it up for about a week, and promptly forgot stuff I had learnt in the first few days. I still can't change chords fast enough to resemble any sort of song but I'm sure I'll get better. And if not, well at least I look awesome with a guitar!! But then again who doesn't. The first thing the guy in the shop said to me when he handed me the guitar was "the mirror is over there" hehe apparently the mirror is the first thing guys go for when they're buying a guitar. Fucking posers!!!!
God I need a holiday!! Not long now. I'm having a couple of weeks of starting the weekend before Christmas. Although having said that, I'm on a short stress leave break from work, doctors orders. I'm a masssssssssive ball of stress at the moment and it's all work's fault. But I'll be going back to work tomorrow armed with a formal letter to present to them (as advised by my doctor) stating that they need to eliminate the cause of my stress so that I can get it back under control. If they don't take this seriously, I guess I will finally have to leave. Fucking wankers. I haven't been to the doctor in 7 years and they drove me to it!!!! No job is worth my health, and it's totally failing at the moment. I've got too much work for one person, and they are fluffing about not giving me any decent help. I suppose we all moan about having too much work, but well it's finally getting to me. SO we will see how it all goes.
We are going camping after xmas!! leaving auckland on the 30th and going to Rotorua and Taupo and Hawkes Bay and visiting my family along the way. It's going to be our geeky reading holiday. Nothing but laying around reading!! And sleeping in a tent!! yay!! hhehe It's been many a year since I've been camping.
Well, I'm going to sit out in the sun. My last day off work (havent been since last thursday) is disappearing too fast for my liking!! I've spent the day watching music dvds and fluffing around with the guitar.
Bye for now...I may start updating regularly, you never know!!
Oh god and it's been so long since I blogged myself (ehehe that sounds rude) that I put the damn thing in as a comment of my previous entry and had to delete it!! arggggh!!!!! hehe dumbass
In other news, I finally have a 'lectric guitar.....wheeee....learning is hard. But practise makes perfect as they say. I was doing ok, and then didn't pick it up for about a week, and promptly forgot stuff I had learnt in the first few days. I still can't change chords fast enough to resemble any sort of song but I'm sure I'll get better. And if not, well at least I look awesome with a guitar!! But then again who doesn't. The first thing the guy in the shop said to me when he handed me the guitar was "the mirror is over there" hehe apparently the mirror is the first thing guys go for when they're buying a guitar. Fucking posers!!!!
God I need a holiday!! Not long now. I'm having a couple of weeks of starting the weekend before Christmas. Although having said that, I'm on a short stress leave break from work, doctors orders. I'm a masssssssssive ball of stress at the moment and it's all work's fault. But I'll be going back to work tomorrow armed with a formal letter to present to them (as advised by my doctor) stating that they need to eliminate the cause of my stress so that I can get it back under control. If they don't take this seriously, I guess I will finally have to leave. Fucking wankers. I haven't been to the doctor in 7 years and they drove me to it!!!! No job is worth my health, and it's totally failing at the moment. I've got too much work for one person, and they are fluffing about not giving me any decent help. I suppose we all moan about having too much work, but well it's finally getting to me. SO we will see how it all goes.
We are going camping after xmas!! leaving auckland on the 30th and going to Rotorua and Taupo and Hawkes Bay and visiting my family along the way. It's going to be our geeky reading holiday. Nothing but laying around reading!! And sleeping in a tent!! yay!! hhehe It's been many a year since I've been camping.
Well, I'm going to sit out in the sun. My last day off work (havent been since last thursday) is disappearing too fast for my liking!! I've spent the day watching music dvds and fluffing around with the guitar.
Bye for now...I may start updating regularly, you never know!!

Have a great night.