Mood: Sleepy, grumpy and annoyed
Song : Rihanna "Pon The Replay" (sorry I've just been in a rather gay dance bar heheh)
whoa . grandma is too old for this!!!! it's 3.30am I just got home and I have stuff to do tomorrow. ugh.
I had a so-so night. Being told that the so-called 'straight' girl I was previously seeing is now seeing yet ANOTHER girl is slightly disheartening. But I guess we can't win them all. I just really didn't need to hear that when I'm clearly NOT over her. I ended up in tears. I'm such a wuss. I've found someone else, yet i'm still not over the last one.
I have a feeling it's because she was the one who ended it, not me. Oh to be the dumpER, not the dumpEE. I'm not used to it. I think that's all it is. Otherwise why would she still have this ridiculous hold over me. Bah. Girls are clearly the evil ones of the human species.
I had a reasonably fun night all told, I guess. It was supposed to be a catch up with some people I hadn't seen for awhile.
Well, bed time. I have stuff to do tomorrow with the NEW girl. The one who is meant to be mending my destroyed heart. Which, incidentally, is in worse shape than it was 24 hours ago. *SIGH*
Song : Rihanna "Pon The Replay" (sorry I've just been in a rather gay dance bar heheh)
whoa . grandma is too old for this!!!! it's 3.30am I just got home and I have stuff to do tomorrow. ugh.
I had a so-so night. Being told that the so-called 'straight' girl I was previously seeing is now seeing yet ANOTHER girl is slightly disheartening. But I guess we can't win them all. I just really didn't need to hear that when I'm clearly NOT over her. I ended up in tears. I'm such a wuss. I've found someone else, yet i'm still not over the last one.
I have a feeling it's because she was the one who ended it, not me. Oh to be the dumpER, not the dumpEE. I'm not used to it. I think that's all it is. Otherwise why would she still have this ridiculous hold over me. Bah. Girls are clearly the evil ones of the human species.
I had a reasonably fun night all told, I guess. It was supposed to be a catch up with some people I hadn't seen for awhile.
Well, bed time. I have stuff to do tomorrow with the NEW girl. The one who is meant to be mending my destroyed heart. Which, incidentally, is in worse shape than it was 24 hours ago. *SIGH*

I hope the new girl is treating you right!
Men are a fairly evil group too...though when it comes down to it, women and men are probably fairly even on the evil scale.
Anyway, I hope you're having a good weekend.