Just under a month ago my best friend died tragically at the age of 27 with bone marrow cancer. It was the single hardest experience of my entire life. I haven't really talked to anyone about it, so I feel I need to write this.
While it was such an indescribable mix of emotions and I got to witness things very few people do. I'll talk more about that later.
My friend...
Countless fun times we had together
He always was my right hand guy if you know what I mean, life wont be the same
My mixed emotions about this...
I'm so angry because he literally did not have to die. I know what you're thinking, but hear me out. I know this is alot to read but i think you'll understand my anger...
He being a Native American had access to things not everyone gets, Tribal clinics, insurance and all that. The tribe he is a member of is filthy rich, they own two casinos just within 10 miles of where Landon lived. They put him on a program to pay his medical bills when he got sick. The program states that it pays for 'all emergency treatment.'
He went to the ER because he was sick and it was determined he was missing over half of the blood he would normally have. It was determined that he had some type of bone marrow disease. The doctors told him that it was one of three diseases, that were all curable with a bone marrow transplant. They also told him that without the transplant that he would die.
The bone marrow transplant was going to cost $175,000. His tribe stated that they did not have that money in their budget or a part of their program, but every time a male member of the tribe graduates high school they give them $200,000. So its worth more than that for you to prove you aren't retarded, but not for you to live.
The tribe stated that they would continue to pay for any emergency treatment that occurred. If they tell you that you're going to fucking die without this treatment how in fucks sake is it not emergency treatment?!?!?!?!?!
His tribe would not pay to have a proper diagnosis done, so no cancer society or leukemia charity would help because it had not been determined which of the three diseases he had. Over the next 8 months Landon was given over 200 units of blood, i believe thats enough blood to completely fill 25 adult males. The tribe paid for all of that. In the last three months of Landon's life he was put in ICU several times, for periods of days and weeks each time.
During the last two months of Landon's life his tribe spent over $600,000 in emergency care bills. During the course of Landon's sickness they spent over 1 million. They couldve spent 175,000 and I could've kept my friend, but instead they spent a million to fucking let him die
Honestly I'm mad now just thinking about all of this. I can't write anymore. This is all way too much for one blog anyway. So keep checking back and I'll go into further details about some of the things that came about during all of this that weren't just terrible.
Love you guys...