I've shot several girls lately. I'm going to create a photo album for each of them here shortly, if i don't get lazy lol. These pics are just random test shots of each girl, not designed to be a set
All the shoots have been a lot of fun. We've goofed off, had plenty to drink, and taken some pics. Good times to be had by all
Pics of my chunky son, he's getting so freaking big its unreal...
few more...
he loves watermelon, its his favorite stuff ever
He naps like a big man
So, I went and saw Captain America, can't remember if I already talked about this to everyone, but I fucking loved it, Evans did way better than I expected
Bigger Nerd Moment...
So, what is all the drama going around about some photographers around here? I've heard two or three different stories that are completely unrelated. Why can't everyone on this site just look at boobies and be happy? Seems easy enough for this guy...
I watched "SG's Must Die" recently. It wasn't the greatest thing ever but I enjoyed it for sure, it was fun
I've been trying to update more, sorry I suck at it, having two jobs, a son, and a wife pretty much absorbes all of my time.
I've been randomly selling stuff on eBay to clear out my storage and to help pay for my son's upcoming first birthday party. He will be 1 on Nov 19th!!!
My new job is still kicking my ass, but I'm learning alot for sure. Can't wait to start catching on better so I can start going up on my levels and getting freakin' paid more!!!
Alright everyone, leave me fun comments to read so I can remember why I even fill this damn thing out lol
Love you guys...