I'm really fuckin' bumbed out right now. The hopeful I photographed Monday has already decided she doesn't want to shoot for the site right now. I don't get it. She says family reasons, but her mother and fiance thought it was a really good idea for her. She already came over, stripped down and took 100's of pictures. Unless someone hacked her facebook or I'm getting punk'd she did a 180 overnight. Man, she's not the only girl I've shot and I have several more lined up, she is just so pretty and has lots of cool ink and I really saw alot of potential in her. She was one of those people who was all about the site and everything its about. I truly hope she's not allowing her family to destroy something I could see that she genuienly wanted ya know? She's young, I can remember being at that point as a young adult, still a little green about making my own decisions and worrying about doing things and pleasing everyone. Maybe one day she'll turn around and change her mind....
what an annoying way to start the day
what an annoying way to start the day
Maybe someday she will change her mind, but putting up naked photos of yourself on the internet is a real decision you need to make. It can affect things like jobs and life in the future. If she isn't 100 percent sure, she's probably better off not doing it right now and waiting until she is. However, I know it is disappointing for you after having worked so hard on the photos.
Sorry to hear it.