I have two girls I'm shooting to hopefully become suicide girls. They have both filled out applications and have had them accepted. Once we get them shot and their sets prepped you'll all be able to add and interact with them.
To everyone who wants to nay say and talk crap about everything please stop, some of your negativity is old, if you aren't happy with your life please don't be negative and bring everyone else around you down. it makes people want to not interact with you. the following pictures were just taken to get started, this is not intended to be an actually set, i know these pics aren't perfect
I did a test shoot with one of the girls this last Sunday so we could submit her application. I'm super excited about shooting with this girl, she's badass. The girl I'm talking about isn't the girl from my last post, this is a different friend of ours, here are some of the pics from that.
This is the other girl that got her application accepted. She is the girl from my last post. She was super excited to read the kind words that people left for her in my blog and on a couple of the groups I'm in. We haven't worked together yet but she sent me these pics to post so you could all get a good look at her They were all taken with her phone, so again, please don't be critical of the photo quality
My sister had been tatting me up like crazy lately, so i have lots of new ink to show everyone...
I had a random opening down by my elbow, this looked cool, so what the hell right?
I added a little caption to my Harley tattoo, that little fucker hurt for some reason lol
Some of the lines on these are a little shaky, i had a hard time sitting still for some reason. Once they're colored in they'll clean up nicely...
Autobot logo outline
Decepticon logo outline
both, to show placement...
fantastic four logo outline
comedian and flash outlines
Green lantern logo healed up nicely
90's X-Men logo outline
90's X-Men logo complete
My son is getting super huge. He's obsessed with Alvin and the chipmunks He's become quite the little boob grabber as well, i guess that's a heriditary trait lol
His sad faces kill me...
Other than all that i haven't had much going on lately. my son, tattooing, and shooting for girl #1 has pretty much monopolized my days off. we got to go swimming recently, it was good times
I saved a lady's life at work, gotta love the first aid and oxygen administering training right lol
I have been working a ridiculous amount lately. i work for a native american tribe and they had a big festival this weekend, it was hot and tiring, but the food was awesome. i bet i gained 5 pounds in one weekend
mentioning weight gain/loss. i started the diet april 5th and as of yesterday i am down 50 pounds, so thats cool i expected to lose more than i have this month, i cheated way too much
anyway, i'll catch up with everyone later...