My son will be 6 months old tomorrow... he's such a chunky man
He was messured today at 27 3/4 inches long, and he's currently weighing 19lbs and some change.... Beefcake
This is him escaping from his playmat just now...

Us holding him in his little suit at the wedding...

This is my pretty wife, she is a butthole...

I haven't really had much going on lately. Just working all the damn time. The SG iphone page is the only thing that makes work bareable lately lol
I have been playing words with friends with Ajilee which has been fun, we won't bring up scores for now lol. She's really fun to chat and play with, such a doll. I'm glad to see that she's coming back around here

I did one of those rent to own things from that Aaron's place. It's a 57 inch. Now the light engine is going out on it. Those assholes are acting like they didn't want to fix it, but i took care of that shit with a quickness. For now though, the TV is being repaired and all we have is a little tv to replace it for now. so it looks ridiculous sitting in the place a huge tv had recently been lol. I want my tv back!!!
My PS3 has been acting funny the past few days. It isn't very old so that's upsetting. It got really hot when i played this morning. So i cleaned it with canned air. Hopefully it doesn't break because that would piss me off. Its so ironic that as soon as the playstation network gets fixed my tv has to get shipped off and now my ps3 is being dumb fml
Jaxy has two new multi sets that are both smoking hot. i can't decide which i like better lol. so go show my little buddy some love and vote her stuff live
Aerion also has a hopeful set that should be live...go vote for her she is one of the sweetest girls ever, and plus she's smoking hot
alright everybody, i've got to get ready for work. have a fun one! leave me lots of comments to read upon my return
your wife is super cute!
and your son is just cuteness overload!