I just lost this entire blog so i'm having to do it all over again, so upsetting...
pics of my son you'll love and updates on him.
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My son loves playing with one of our little dogs. the dog absolutely loves him and is a very good sport about all the abuse he recieves from Anthony
Anthony wearing the helm of the Mighty Thor, i love this...
lock up your daughters lol
i love this shirt, he's such a happy guy
He has decided to skip crawling and walking and he's decided he's going to learn how to fly
I'll have videos of the baby soon!
My life....
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I've been placed on a diet by my doctor. It seems to be going really well. The medication keeps my metabolism up and keeps me from being hungry. I stay under my recommended caloric intake just about everyday. i'm starting to notice my face seems thinner and i can tighten my belt more than i could before. sadly i have no scale right now lol so i can't give any more of an update than that, but i will as soon as i can!
i'm still work two jobs, better than the three i worked last year. i'm still at hot topic, almost five years now. i'm also a security guard at an Indian casino. both jobs are fun and rewarding but i work too much. between my diet, all my work and my son i don't have much else going on sadly
i hope to be more active on here again. i've lost most of the following i had on here before. i am working on it i promise. i miss so many of you!!!
I can't wait for the playstation network to get fixed, and i hope the hackers that ruined it over their stupid little protest are eaten alive...
i promise to start taking more pics and update more often
so many amazing sets have come out lately, i really wish i had time to look at and comment on them all. i can't wait to see what else you all come up with.
I may actually be shooting a set for a girl hoping to join SG soon, we'll see how it turns out
this is a pic of me and all my groomsmen before our wedding earlier this month. i'll have more pics posted as soon as i get them back
this is my wedding ring, its two-tone tungston with black diamonds. its pretty cool, i like it anyway
update more soon!!
Stay thirsty my friends...
(everyone drink one for me because i can't have any on this damn diet.... i miss alcohol :mad