Here is a pic of me testing out my new piece of furniture!!! Yes, this is a stripper pole in my living room. Everyone should get one because it is a lot of fun.
If I'm lucky, I'll have some pics of GoddessIsis showing off her sexy body on it after this weekend
If I'm lucky, I'll have some pics of GoddessIsis showing off her sexy body on it after this weekend

hehehe... fuck yea!!!

Such a fucking great pic doll, hell yeah. Am I still partying hard? I don't think I know any other way to kill time in this life to tell you the truth. I'm wicked powerful in some goddamn odd ways in my dreams. I might share them someday but not now. My second life kind of reminds me of Dark City in alot of ways. The dream world, this world, and wondering if there is a connection between science and magic that I'm close to figuring out but not quite there yet. Christ you are fucking gorgeous...Anyway L8er babe...Aj