OK. So I've got a dilemma that's been bugging the shit out of me all day. Ya see, I've been working on this idea for a video game that I want to make one day. I came up with the story idea a few years ago, while in grad school but the premise for this game has been with me since the fall of 1991, just right after I got out of high school. So, while I was in school, I was constantly working on developing the general outline for the story, the back story, designing the characters,.....the whole nine. I even had it registered with the Writer's Guild of America, as advised by my 3D modeling teacher, to give it some protection.
Problem. This morning, I follow a MySpace link to a very interesting looking fantasy game site where you can play the online game for free!! NICE! So then I look at the summary of the story and lo and behold.....that story they use (with the exception to some character and a few plot detail changes) is VERY similar to mine!!! FUCK!!!!
What the hell?!?!? I know I haven't gotten this game to existence yet, but I don't have the resources to do so. And now, you mean to tell me that someone already has my idea already published??!! And I don't even know if they stole it directly from me or if they coincidentally made it up themselves. But does this mean that I'm gonna have to change the whole fucking storyline? I mean, I know my idea is registered with the Writer's Guild but is that going to be enough for me to still be able to make it happen? This is FUCKED UP! I really wanted to make this story in my own vision....and this shit ain't the first time this has happened to me...and I'm getting REALLY FUCKING TIRED OF IT!!!!
Sorry but I had to vent. Anyways, I feel that now I'm at a stand still and I don't know what to do next. And this is was something I was really passionate about. What now?
Problem. This morning, I follow a MySpace link to a very interesting looking fantasy game site where you can play the online game for free!! NICE! So then I look at the summary of the story and lo and behold.....that story they use (with the exception to some character and a few plot detail changes) is VERY similar to mine!!! FUCK!!!!

Sorry but I had to vent. Anyways, I feel that now I'm at a stand still and I don't know what to do next. And this is was something I was really passionate about. What now?
Lastly, like Serial said make it happen anyway! Just because someone else has a similar idea doesn't mean you can't do your own. If they did it to you then turnabout is fair play you know? Besides when it comes to video games original ideas are pretty much non-exisitent so inreaility that isn't the real issue. Just make sure that whoever made that game can't block the release of yours and you should be all set.