Serial! This one's for you, buddy!! I remember a few weeks ago where she pointed me out to Google Maps, where you can pretty much look up any address and it'll take you to a pretty closely drawn map of the address wher you type in, right? I had a feeling that sooner or later more detailed maps of just about anywhere on planet earth are going to be available to the point where images of our own homes will be available with just a search, right? Well, we ain't there yet, but Big Brother's definitely working on it.
Now, submitted for your approval, enter: "Google Earth" ( ), a 3d version of Google maps, where you can searh any location and get a 3d image of a satellite view of any address you type in. Still a bit generalized so they haven't gotten all the details in......yet!!! But definitely enough to make me wonder.
Oh, it's a good thing to use if you need directions to get somewhere, but I've gotta wonder, just how "good" is this type of technology gonna get? (and why?) But then again, maybe this is just the paranoid cynic in me talking. Though I will confess (and this is the hypocrite in me talking) since, I'm going into a career doing 3D, if they ever ask me if I want to work for them, I'm not turning them down....especially after all I've been going through. (OK, so I'm a whore as well.
Now, submitted for your approval, enter: "Google Earth" ( ), a 3d version of Google maps, where you can searh any location and get a 3d image of a satellite view of any address you type in. Still a bit generalized so they haven't gotten all the details in......yet!!! But definitely enough to make me wonder.
Oh, it's a good thing to use if you need directions to get somewhere, but I've gotta wonder, just how "good" is this type of technology gonna get? (and why?) But then again, maybe this is just the paranoid cynic in me talking. Though I will confess (and this is the hypocrite in me talking) since, I'm going into a career doing 3D, if they ever ask me if I want to work for them, I'm not turning them down....especially after all I've been going through. (OK, so I'm a whore as well.