Well, for the first time in years, I'd say, I know what it feels like to be a victim. This past Wednesday morning, I went to check my bank statement online so I could pay a utility bill. Come to find out that instead of a little over $250, which I should've had in my account, I get suprised with a balance of -$79. What...the....FUCK!!!!
I look down further to see what the hell happened, come to find out that there was a charge made to my account by Western Union for $283, that also caused 3 overdraft fees of $34, each, which all out me at that deficit. I first called the bank, in a frenzy, to see what the hell happened, to which they replied, call, Western Union to find iout what's going on. I called W.U only to have them pass me around from department to department for almost an hour while, I'm just trying to 1.) find out who made the charge, when and where it was made and 2.) find the fraud and claims department so I can file a claim against this soon-to-be dead asshole!! Turns out MY MONEY was sent to some douchebag in Savannah, Georgia. (Keep in mind, I'm in San Francisco.) All I got was a phone number as a reference. I then had to call my bank about that charge and another pending fraud charge, BTW for $9.95 from "Private Eye.com". As if my financial situation didn't suck already!! I had to file a claim, get my debit card cancelled and sent a new one.....again, and have paperwork sent to me which will start the process of them investigating. So this morning, I faxed it out, from the bank and I'm waiting on provisional credit with will be deposited into my bank account, while they invsetigate. If they decide that the charge was fraudulent, (and they'd FUCKING better!!!!), then I get refunded the entire amount, to include all of the overdraft fees that were tacked on. Problem is that could take up to 2 weeks. Meanwhile, the scariest part about all of this shit was the timing because yesterday, I had to pay several bills. They'll take a few days to process through and I'm just praying that they all clear well. Two of them might, but I'm concerned about my 3rd and largest loan bill. Life has been trying enough lately without this kind of shit, REALLY!! Enough is fucking enough. And as for this pile of shit, cocksucking, jerkoff, punk ass, douchebag, waste of life who did this to me, it's pretty damn pathetic that they feel justified in leeching off other people's hard work in order to make life easier for themselves. I'll say this though. If karma can be a bitch, I hope she gets sadistic on their sorry ass!!!

((((Hugs))) hope all is better though. I have been way too out of touch lately....summer does that to me though. It is like we spend all winter in a state of potential energy, then blast into kinetic energy the second the snow begins to melt
Did all your money issues get resolved yet ?