AAAWWWWW!!! YUCK!! I've been sick all day today, in fact since yesterday. I can't believe I made it through yesterday at work but today, I had to do the unthinkable.....I had to call in sick at work today. Yeah, I know. DUH!! "That's what people do, Brian when they are sick!" DUH again! Well, I'm not the type of guy who likes to do that, in ANY job I work, PLUS I'm barely making payments and money's tight as it is. But this morning when I woke up, I felt like someone was ringing my guts out like a damp washcloth, my body aches....and I've had that feeling off and on all day, plus a burning case of the runs. But the good news is.....
What is with this? There are so many SGer's sick right now, including we have a virus?
Just kidding! But seriously though...get better!!

you dont have a car!