Well, been a while since I've made an entry. A lot has been going on since then. Been having money problems, like a lot of people are having and am strugling to get out of some of the more immediate ones, especially with my creditors and my loan companies. I'm no longer working with at the old bakery on New Montgomery and Mission. I've been working at Bristol Farms, grocery store for the past 2 months now. They pay higher than my last job and pay weekly (THANK GOD!). But I'm still dealing with the same amount of crap that I deal with in any food service industry, maybe even more since they make thousands of times more money. Times have been VERY stressful lately.
These are the days, when I'm barely squeeking by working hundreds of hours, in an industry I hate working for, where I'm constantly having to force myself to have some kind of faith, that things will work out for the better. Well, this may be my shot! A few days ago, I met my old school, the Academy of Art, in San Francisco with an old friend and a teacher from the school about a short film he's working on that should take a year. I'm can't say any more about the project, due to the nondisclosure agreement I had to sign. But what I can say is that even by looking at the proposal and the artwork for this, I felt alive again! I felt like I was becoming part of something HUGE; something that really matters to me! THIS is the direction I want my life to go in and this, I'm thinking is going to be the start of my chosen career that I've been looking for. The only thing that sucks is that it's not a paying project, (which these days given my financial situation, I really could use some extra money). Nonetheless, I consider this an out-of-school internship, something that rarely happens anymore especially for people like me who want to work as 3D artists for games and films. If you ask me, I can't wait to start in 2 weeks and i can't wait to see the final results.
These are the days, when I'm barely squeeking by working hundreds of hours, in an industry I hate working for, where I'm constantly having to force myself to have some kind of faith, that things will work out for the better. Well, this may be my shot! A few days ago, I met my old school, the Academy of Art, in San Francisco with an old friend and a teacher from the school about a short film he's working on that should take a year. I'm can't say any more about the project, due to the nondisclosure agreement I had to sign. But what I can say is that even by looking at the proposal and the artwork for this, I felt alive again! I felt like I was becoming part of something HUGE; something that really matters to me! THIS is the direction I want my life to go in and this, I'm thinking is going to be the start of my chosen career that I've been looking for. The only thing that sucks is that it's not a paying project, (which these days given my financial situation, I really could use some extra money). Nonetheless, I consider this an out-of-school internship, something that rarely happens anymore especially for people like me who want to work as 3D artists for games and films. If you ask me, I can't wait to start in 2 weeks and i can't wait to see the final results.
I know things have been tough for you...same for us, we are slowly climbing our way back out of bieng completely broke...trust me when I say things will get better, and your right, you do need to have faith that it will...even though work is tough right now, you are bringing home money, you have a job, a place to live, food to eat...some people have none of that, so when things look that down, remember what you do have and be thankful, its tough, but it does help...and I hope that interniship fgoes well, I think you will have a lot of fun doing it!! who know's what it will lead to!.don't worry, be happy!!

thank you...and I miss you!