Ok. After a long sebatical in the ether realms, getting bitch slapped by beings that could make the old ones shit themselfs, I'm back to bring this world a new message of hope. There will be no more war anymore, there will no unjust killing in the name of a country anylonger. YOu have my slomen oath on this much. What will replace it how ever, is the Idea of the worlds greatest demonstration of a pissing contest. The only rule here is that if the man (Country) has a bigger dick then you (Physically or Figuretively), bomb the fucking shit out of them until their is not a one standing. This is the truth, and its true too the bushed talked with god, how do you think this whole affair started? Isn't it amazing how the higher realms work?
And If you read any of this and believe any word of it other that me and president bush are Fucking Nut jobs, you desreve to get bomb because your too fucking stuip to see that wars never change. Its just macho asshole with big guns gunning down women and children dressed up as bombs while the real man of the war, the son's of the bitchs who started it in the first place sit back and watch us all cower in fear of each other becuase we're both afraid the other one is going to pull a gun and start shooting.
And If you read any of this and believe any word of it other that me and president bush are Fucking Nut jobs, you desreve to get bomb because your too fucking stuip to see that wars never change. Its just macho asshole with big guns gunning down women and children dressed up as bombs while the real man of the war, the son's of the bitchs who started it in the first place sit back and watch us all cower in fear of each other becuase we're both afraid the other one is going to pull a gun and start shooting.