There just may be a higher power looking out for us poor shmoes who have to work at Pearl. The store manager FINALLY got fired! And of course it happens on my day off. grr. Missed all the yelling.
Oh well. I am pensive, though, about what/who they are going to get for us now...
Could be worse, but we are hoping for better. It is hard, too, in that he wasn't a bad guy as far as I was concerned. I understood why he did some things, but he was an aweful manager. Anyway, we went to the B&D ball, but I didn't do any henna on Strio. Ran out of time,a nd it was too chilly for him to run around without a shirt. Skinny boi gets cold easy. Also got to meet my first SG girls in person, and they are even cuter in the, ahem, flesh, then in photos! Hugs out to Scarlet and Edea! Hope to see you guys again really soon! Well, off to bed. I am nursing a headache and have to try to get onto some semblance of a normal sleep schedule. I think going to bed at 7am the other morning messed me up. TTFN!

It was a pleasure getting to meet you!!!!Hopefully we can meet up again!!!! I will be moving to NH in july!!!!