Hello All you naked girl loving freaks. I am still alive, as some of you have seen in person. Still crazy busy as shit trying to get things unpacked, cleaned, and settled into the new place. We moved the last of Amy's stuff in on Wed night so now there is chaos in every room, even though we had managed to get a couple rooms under control. We are still trying to figure out room arrangements, but we at least have a living room, which is one step closer to being able to have people over. Clover is till sleeping on the couch while she works on refinishing her room. Hopefully she will finish soon... We had to take one of the railings in the hall off to get the 90"x40" sofa up and played a major game of tetris with 4 people to get it up the stairs, around the chandelier, partially up the other stairs, then down and thru the door into the livingroom. If Amy leaves, her couch stays unless she takes a chainsaw to it.
I am just now getting to the stage where I can start making lists of things people can buy me like books and knitting supplies and movies. Those to be posted soon, a little at a time. My boi has been working on call at a computer repair shop. Bottom of the barrel computer tech shit, but it is something. He has worked a full week for the first time in a long time. He is going to have a conversation on Monday about the possibility of a permenant postion. The base rate isn't bad, though sad compared to what heis used to, it is sa rate I have had to work many years to get up to. It is close enough to take the bus to, which is important since he can't get his car going until the end of September. His birthday was the 7th. I made him a leather dice bag and bought him some Lyndell cookies and cupcakes. COuldn't do anything more.
Off to Best Buy to get some things for my desk at work and spend his gift card. Probably go to CPK or Cheescake fact. Will try to be more social. Later
hey stranger, just wanted to see how things were going.