Well, I finally figured out what that symbol-stealing Christain holiday Easter is good for... I get an extra day off! We get paid for the day becasue the store is closed, but I do not normally work on Sundays, so I get to take an extra day off! Yay me! Extra boi time. Which allows me to work a couple hours at a bar for a friend on Monday and not feel guilty about cutting into our normal day together. Yippie!
Not much else going on. Went to my piercers to have him check my newer rings because one is still ouchie, and he wasn't there, so I had to have the other piercer look at it, all to be unconclusive. Told me it is still relatively new, 2 weeks after the longer healing time span, and just keep being careful. Yeah, buddy, thanx. At least he said it didn't look in trouble. Good.
Well, off to see what mindless drivel is on at 1 am becasue they can't concieve that anyone with brain would be up this hour...