We were the victims of some major stupidity last night, by our downstairs neighbor... the one stupid enought to put 3 units in one apartment in an old building and caught fire to the whole house...and the one next to us. We are all OK, but homeless. Check Strio's journal for the complete story. I am so fried, I haven't been answering the phone. I am thankful to everyone who has called to wish us well, and I am going to try to get back to everyone, but no promises yet. Sitting in front of my house for 5 hours, barefoot, watching flames and smoke come out, then water and firemen go in, through the windows, took a lot out of me. We are a little internet handicapped right now and facing the challenge of getting a new place ASAP. Watch his journal for more updates and here periodically.
I'm so sorry about your home and all your belongings, but I'm glad you're all right.
my triumpant return is is nullifiyed by your terrible misfortune. i'm so sorry luv.