Been a while since the last update. Seems to be a trend lately. I have gotten lazy with a few things recently, keeping in touch is one of them.
Boi and I had to go to FL on Wed to go to his grand dad's funeral.
It was weird because they were all complaining about how it was getting unusually cold, in the 30's, and I had a hard time not laughing at them. They stopped when I pointed out it was 7 when I went to work on Tuesday. It was realy nice most of the time, like hoodie going out at night nice.
We were keeping an eye on the weather and watching the storm, so he called Fri night while we were out at a club, to check on our flight home that was scheduled Sat night. Good thing he did because it was cancelled, 24 hours in advance. A total of 4 phoone calls and almost two hours on hold later, we were booked on the morning flight, which was luckily only 11:30 since it was 2 am by that time. Home we went, instead of a strip club with friends, to pack and get a couple hours sleep. Woke his parents up to bring us to the airport.
We got home with no problems, just as it was starting to snow. I got to have a good joke on my manager, tho, since I am supposed to work tomorrow. I called him and said, "Hey Michael. Guess what. My flight was cancelled." He was all. "Oh, great. Really?" Then I got to say, "Guess what else? We were smart, and caught an earlier flight home." He said, "So, where are you?" "Home"
He gave me the numbers of the staff since it might happen that we don't open because of the storm. Since my car is well on the way to being half buried, I am not going to argue.
I have been given the honorary title of "Aunt" to boi's adopted niece. I not sure how I feel about that. I think I am more fun, more like " Auntie". "Aunt Melinda" sounds too old and stodgy. Boi thinks I should be "Auntie MiMi" I had come to the same conclusion. Time to start insiniating that in. Now if she only spoke English it might make a difference...
Just took a shower, so I am off to comb and braid my hair and then to bed to read a bit and sleep cuddled with my man. Or something...
Boi and I had to go to FL on Wed to go to his grand dad's funeral.

We were keeping an eye on the weather and watching the storm, so he called Fri night while we were out at a club, to check on our flight home that was scheduled Sat night. Good thing he did because it was cancelled, 24 hours in advance. A total of 4 phoone calls and almost two hours on hold later, we were booked on the morning flight, which was luckily only 11:30 since it was 2 am by that time. Home we went, instead of a strip club with friends, to pack and get a couple hours sleep. Woke his parents up to bring us to the airport.
We got home with no problems, just as it was starting to snow. I got to have a good joke on my manager, tho, since I am supposed to work tomorrow. I called him and said, "Hey Michael. Guess what. My flight was cancelled." He was all. "Oh, great. Really?" Then I got to say, "Guess what else? We were smart, and caught an earlier flight home." He said, "So, where are you?" "Home"

I have been given the honorary title of "Aunt" to boi's adopted niece. I not sure how I feel about that. I think I am more fun, more like " Auntie". "Aunt Melinda" sounds too old and stodgy. Boi thinks I should be "Auntie MiMi" I had come to the same conclusion. Time to start insiniating that in. Now if she only spoke English it might make a difference...
Just took a shower, so I am off to comb and braid my hair and then to bed to read a bit and sleep cuddled with my man. Or something...