Woke up more then an hour before my alarm for no aparent reason. Well, maybe because I had to pee. But then I wasn't sleepy when I got back into bed. *grr* This is not the best way to counteract the increasing grumpiness I have been feeling lately. Damn, I think I am PMSing. Hate that!
I don't usually get it, but his time i got it full blown: grumpiness, depression, moodswings, random yelling at boi, and tener breasts. :blackeye: Tell me again why I like being a girl. At least that torment of wanting to have sex but he is sick is gone. I hve no interest. None. *sigh*
Just got a more then $200 gas bill.
It more then doubled from last month. We keep the heat a a steady 62 to try to save and have been running space heaters. Our electric went up $20 which I thought wasn't too bad. And we are still not comfortable sitting to watch TV in the evening. Let's all bundle up in hoodies, afghans and hats! Fuck! This is going to break my bank combined with all the other high bills. At least cable is a steady ass-raping $85. So with all this, I am going to have to call Fat Ram AGAIN and reschedule my apointment AGAIN!
I am at the point where I think I will just cancell all three and wait until I physically have the money in hand saved up and earmarked for the tattoo.
Have to go get ready for work. Have tomorrow off. Yay!

Just got a more then $200 gas bill.

Have to go get ready for work. Have tomorrow off. Yay!

That is what is breaking my bank. It is normally between $60 & $70 bucks... last month $170. Yep almost triple.
Sorry to hear you have to put off the tattoos. I've been putting mine off for financial reasons too. it sucks
i think im canceling my trip to scotland and actually getting two on my shoulders (its cheaper)
thanks for welcoming me to sg and thanks for the advice
i hope you get to scotland someday its really wonderful