no MR for me tonight. I got all ready and got down to central square, went to the bank to get money, checked my account balance first and find it says $0. Damn! So I walked down the street to see if there was anyone I knew to bum a couple bucks off and there was noone. So home I go.. I log onto the bank site to check and find out I in fact have a -$38 balance because something went through that I thought already had. I love it when your bank lets you use your debit card even if you don't have enough money in the account. Shouldn't it work like a credit card and decline?so now I have a stack of fliers I have noone to give to. I get paid tomorrow. Little consulation. Got a huge talkingto by my bosses today and basicly was told that I suck at my job, have bad organization and get to focused on a job and ignore customers and that the staff doesn't like me. But I am bright enough to do the job, I just have to decide I want to do it, I have terrific customer service skills, I just have to use them,a nd I need to relate to the staff more even tho my immediate manager originally told me to not get too chummy with them to keep a manager-emploee relationship. The staff doesn't like me becausse I am aloof and stoic and have too much of a "I am manager, you are employee" attutude. They are a sensitive group of kids, so treat them gently, and don't call them kids. Oh, and I have to stop treating it like a 40 hour a week job and become more invested in it as a career. Even tho the retail manger who said this has no idea what time I leave at night. I missed a couple meetings I didn't know I should have gone to since I was not told I should go. Basicly they let a bunch of shit accumulate for 3 months and loaded it all on me instead of letting me know I was falling short of expectations as I went along. My boi will be here tomorrow morning. I get to go pick him up, drop him off at home, then go to work until 8:30 or 9 then go to Goffee. Friday we spend cleaning, arranging, shopping, and cooking for the party. Maybe we will get time together.
hopefully we will all be able to get together again sometime soon!! especially where you literally live maybe a mile from us!!!!
cheers to you and meeting your boy-who was super super great!!!! until next time!!!