Mmmmm....KMFDM-y goodness! Even if it was in a small venue like the Middle East. Weird thing is, though I was there with a friend and fellow industrial fan who between the two of us, know most if not all of the Boston Industrial scene, knew only 5 people, and one of them was mutual. How is it that a forerunner in the techno-industrial scene for the last 20 years can play in Boston and not sell out the venue, (it wasn't even packed, just a bit crowded), and not have people who are known for their industrial music support, *cough* Angel Ind. *cough*, be represented? And what's worse, they weren't at Ceremony when we got there later. *shrug* Oh well. I loved it, spent too much money on a cool shirt, and had a couple drinks. Good times!
Off to vote now. You all better as well!
Off to vote now. You all better as well!
Hope everything is OK with you, sweetheart.

did you go to manray? did you have fun?