Of course Dust put a pic up for me, everyone should do things for me. That's just how it is.
I also deserve presents. Just ask Strio.
So, the most entertaining thing I saw/heard today was my store manager totally loose his cool and get into a SCREAMING match with an employee, which culminated with him yelling at her, loud enough that I heard it half way down the store, "YOU'RE FIRED!! YOU BETTER GET YOUR COAT AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!" Damn, how I have wished to make an exit like that. At this very job, too.
Oh well, I am much more likely to do the responsible thing nd make nice nice and get a good reference blah blah blah. I was just brought up too well. I wish I could tell him off and storm out with most of the employees there. I think they would all cheer. But that is the baser, more immature part of me that surfaces, frequently when I am lying in bed and trying to sleep. Some people fantasize about playboy bunnies.... *shrug* Have to go clean my new piercings, but not with the antimicrobial soap, because I want the allergic rash on my torso to go away!
I am not allergic to many things, but when I find one, it is usually a good reaction!

So, the most entertaining thing I saw/heard today was my store manager totally loose his cool and get into a SCREAMING match with an employee, which culminated with him yelling at her, loud enough that I heard it half way down the store, "YOU'RE FIRED!! YOU BETTER GET YOUR COAT AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!" Damn, how I have wished to make an exit like that. At this very job, too.

beautiful profile picture. 

chloe is numero uno, you're a very close numero dos