Just got done with anothe open house for a new roomie. What an aweful thing to have to do. try to evaluate someone's worth as a prespective human to live with simply for a 10 min conversation. Trying to jusdge how responsible, respectful, clean, prompt in payment they are and how much baggage they may have that will make them a psycho!
Just want it to be done. I lived with the same girl for 3 1/2 years in college and I met her in a class, and tho there were a couple others who floated in and out, it was nice to have that stability. I feel slightly ill at ease with ths whole "Let's invite a stranger to come live with us and hope they don't steal all our stuff." thing. And then there is the me not generally likeing women thing. Well, other then the ones I meet in alternative settings. Most of the women I meet in "ordinary" settings are just too...female. It is soemthing I have found in common with the women I DO get along with. We all generally don't have the same catty petty issues. I had a discussion at a party recently about how poly anf kink women tend to get along better with other like minded women because you can't be jealous and petty and be poly and think it will work. Any thoughts on that? Anyway, I was supposed to do laundry and I realized I forgot to get money and I don't have enough loose change. OH well. time to hit ebay.
There needs to be a devilish grinning smilie icon here.