*cartwheels of joy***!!!!!
I got my first ever carreer type job! I have a title, wicked benefits, business casual dresscode, and *drumroll* more money in SALARY, not hourly, then I have ever made!
I will finally be able to pay up my credit cards, not feel like I am constantly struggeling, and maybe, just maybe, SAVE MONEY FOR A HOUSE!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!! Downside is I just strated a new job becasue I didn't hear from these people for 2 weeks and though it was a dead end.I feel really bad because the manager is a friend of mine and was really hurting for an assistant manager.
Then she hired me and things were going to get better. Better schedule all set for back to school, and she might get to take some time off. I feel very bad about dropping her, but I couldn't turn this down.
In addition, I have laryngitis AGAIN! I have never had it before and now have it twice in one summer. I have to take the next 2 days off to try to get better. Hopefully it will be enough. And I am going to Dragon Con the first weekend of Sept, so I will not really be working 2 weeks at all. Crap! SO I have this great news and can't tell anyone. *grummble* Won't be going out much either. I hate that time period where you switch jobs and your paychecks get all messed up. This is going to happen double for me right now. But once things get settled and my boi moves up, we are having a house warming party! Whoot!!!
I got my first ever carreer type job! I have a title, wicked benefits, business casual dresscode, and *drumroll* more money in SALARY, not hourly, then I have ever made!

I haven't seen you forever.
Have fun with the new job!!!