OK, still figuring this thing out.
So I wanted to know, and it is in a couple places, but here is the best place to ask, anyone have any ideas where to go for affordable but good matial arts or yoga classes? Need to get into shape and that is the best way for me. Though there are some who think my chape is just fine.
Also need shaving care instuctions. *skritch skritch* See Lifestyles board.

So I wanted to know, and it is in a couple places, but here is the best place to ask, anyone have any ideas where to go for affordable but good matial arts or yoga classes? Need to get into shape and that is the best way for me. Though there are some who think my chape is just fine.

Also need shaving care instuctions. *skritch skritch* See Lifestyles board.

I just stumbled upon the shaving boards earlier today too... let me know what works for u cuzz I still get some pissed off folicles/folicals/pholicals whatever.