I have found, or rather refound, another reason to look forward to moving to FL with my boi in June:
It started yesterday when I went out to go to work and had a ticket on my car. it was for permit parking only. I am like WTF?
I have a permit. I look closer, and evidently I somehow missed that I needed a new permit when I changed my plates. So I am thinking, damn, have to go to Traffic and Parking tomorrow. Got another ticket this morning. I get there and as I am waiting in line, I noticed that the registration for the new vanitly plates expired in Nov, just 2 months after getting it. Again, WTF?? Becasue of that, the lady wouldn't give me a new sticker. *sigh* Off to the Watertown Mall to the RMV to get that straightened out.
After waiting in two lines, I get told that all vanitly plates expore every year in Nov! But I just got them in Sept! Doesn't matter. *sigh* What do I have to do to get it all right? Give the good ol' state of Mass $76!
Right. I just paid a huge gas and cable bill. I have $00 to get me to NEXT Friday (since lovely work decided it is nice to pay us every other week) Not going to happen. So now, not only do I have to park a street over where it is not permit, not that big a deal, I am llegal because my car isn't registered any longer. And has been for the last two and a half months.
So I can't really drive it anywhere either. My friend Matt is going to give me the money to pay it and I can pay him back, but it still burns that it is only for 3 more months!
And I miss my boi terribly. May go out to MR may stay home and hide under the blankets sobbing.
I have found, or rather refound, another reason to look forward to moving to FL with my boi in June:

It started yesterday when I went out to go to work and had a ticket on my car. it was for permit parking only. I am like WTF?

that sucks. it will be all good. don't worry.
Much Love,
Your Minion-Semitic