Tomorrow is my last day at Pearl. I am have lots of feelings on it. I am excited since I haven't had a new job in two years and it is something new. A whole new set of skills to learn.
But then I have made some good friends at Pearl and it is going to take a lot of effort to keep in touch with some of them.
But it will be good to meet new people, tho there are only about 5-8 employees compared to the 45 I am used to. BUt I will get to the point where I want to go into Central Square again. I am sick of seeing it every day. It is all the conflicting emotions typical of getting a new job. The cool thing is that I have more then a week of vacation and a bunch of sick time I haven't used that I will get paid for. Yippee!
Had a pretty good time last Saturday seeing some of the SGers of Boston and met a couple new ones. *waves to blue-haired boi* I love finding people to have intellectual geeky conversations with in the middle of an arcade! I wish everyone else had relaxed more and played some games and had fun. Seemed like a slow night. I think I am going to volunteer to plan the next event. ROLLERRINK BABY!!

Had a pretty good time last Saturday seeing some of the SGers of Boston and met a couple new ones. *waves to blue-haired boi* I love finding people to have intellectual geeky conversations with in the middle of an arcade! I wish everyone else had relaxed more and played some games and had fun. Seemed like a slow night. I think I am going to volunteer to plan the next event. ROLLERRINK BABY!!

I played games. I played air hockey and ddr and that gmae I love but don't know the name of.....