Went to my first real SG event last night. I don't count the Tea Room event several months ago because only 5 of us showed up. It was fun. We all met at Redbones in Davis Square and had food and drinks. Then around 11:30, we all congregated on the street to decide what next since the after party place fell through. Of course it started raining and we got soaked trying to get to the next place, a bar called the Burren. But they were having live Irish music and there was a $3 cover. Blah! So we all huddled under the one umbrella in a dorrway until some nice drunk girl in pink came to huddle with us and told us the Joshua Tree across the way was decent. So we all trooped over and shuffled all 20ish of us in. Took over a corner for a while, then we all went outside when the final installment arrived from Philly after a 12 hour drive that should have only been 5. More milling around on the street, at least it had stopped raining, and we were off to the very cool hotel of the Philly peeps. A little bit of searching, more waiting on the street, and then up 5 flights of stairs up to the room that was not yet under the influence of the AC unit. Strio and I hung out for a while, then decided to head home in an attempt to make it to brunch...which we didn't.
Oh, forgot to mention the biting, hair-pulling make-out session in the Joshua Tree with Bailey while all the drunken jocks looked on. All in all, a good night!

Loved meeting you and had a great time. You sure did give those Joshua Tree boys something to remember. I know I won't forget it. Yow!
that was fun watching you two make out
. the biting was the best part. and there were fucking way more than 5 flights of stairs. or at least it felt so to a big fat guy like me. it was really cool meeting you. see you at the next party.