Only two more days of official night crew! WOOOHOOO!!!!
But then I will be working noon to 9, good for night life and seeing friends more, but I will still be looked to for help because I will be there. So I may end up going back to the really regular day shift of 10:45 to 7:30. Ick. But oh well, it will still be MOn-Fri and then I will have even more time for movies and such. Speaking of, anyone seen Finding Nemo recently enough to tell me if the kid crowd has died down? Strio and I went to go see it on a Sat matinee and there were the little christers EVERYWHERE screaming NEMO! NEMO! So we saw Bruce Almighty. whoo hoo.
Anyway, need to try to sleep. Oh, congrats Scarlette and Edea on the new place. *jealous*

But then I will be working noon to 9, good for night life and seeing friends more, but I will still be looked to for help because I will be there. So I may end up going back to the really regular day shift of 10:45 to 7:30. Ick. But oh well, it will still be MOn-Fri and then I will have even more time for movies and such. Speaking of, anyone seen Finding Nemo recently enough to tell me if the kid crowd has died down? Strio and I went to go see it on a Sat matinee and there were the little christers EVERYWHERE screaming NEMO! NEMO! So we saw Bruce Almighty. whoo hoo.

Just remembered something more to rant. Our 2nd anniversary is this Saturday, coinciding with the Tattoo Con. 'salright. Can work around it and still find romantic time. But he just throws another monkey into the blender. One of his best friends is eloping and wants him to be there. This friend lives in FL, but they want to get married in Buffalo. Something about her being from Canada and Niagra Falls... *shrug* They want him to preform the ceremony. He says it isn't too far. Only an 8 HOUR drive. But then of course we have to drive back... Not the most romantic day I can imagine. Luckily, the thing with eloping, is it is spur of the moment, not planned, so could be moved.... I hope.