Hi All!
Miss many of you!
I am hoping my boi will get me a laptop fixed up so I can have my own computer and keep in touch better here. I pay for it and am hardly ever on here. For right now, he works at a computer repair shop. (yack!) People bring in their computers, laptops included, that are all fucked up with viruses etc. Sometimes it is too expensive to fix, so they tell the shop to dispose of it. That means they usually keep a hold of it and use it for parts. They have a huge stack of them, laptops that is, that need various levels of repair. There were two that need only a couple small things done, not sure of all the details, but one might need a new motherboard, $200. Because they had so many, he was able to "requisition" one for me. Now we just have to get the money for a motherboard and I should have something to get me by until I can afford a nice, shiny new Powerbook.
It has been hard since the fire, not having my own computer. I have the one I am on now, but it is for general household use. I want one where I can drop all the recovered data from my old system that was destroyed in the fire onto and customize the layout. I want to be able to start working on my photography. I want to be able to load my pics from my camera and pull up photoshop, and go. I want to be able to work at Diesel, or Boston Commons, or the look out on top of Tufts library, or some random lawn under some trees. Blah.
So, my roomie A and I are heading Dublin, Ireland Thursday night. I am getting so excited I have trouble sleeping some nights! I keep running things I need to do through my head, over and over. If anyone has been there, or heard anything helpful, let me know. We will be there from the 13th and leaving the 21st. We have a reservation for a hostel for fri and sat night, then we are renting a car and heading out of the city, most likely along the coast, hitting castles and touristy stuff. Grabbing a hostel or B&B as we go. It is the off season, so things are going to be affordable. We are staying with a friend the last night we are there, back in Dublin, to make sure we get to the airport Saturday morning. A has a friend at work who might be able to hook us up with a night or so at a castle! SOOOO cool! Sleep in a castle. Something older then our country, by several centuries, with so much history you can't even wrap your mind around it! We are going to see the Guiness brewery the first day, Friday the 13th, A's 29th B-day. Then we will probably do some shopping Sat, and there is A goth club, in Dublin, we will go there Sat night.
Not much else going on. Ireland has consumed my life!
Miss many of you!
I am hoping my boi will get me a laptop fixed up so I can have my own computer and keep in touch better here. I pay for it and am hardly ever on here. For right now, he works at a computer repair shop. (yack!) People bring in their computers, laptops included, that are all fucked up with viruses etc. Sometimes it is too expensive to fix, so they tell the shop to dispose of it. That means they usually keep a hold of it and use it for parts. They have a huge stack of them, laptops that is, that need various levels of repair. There were two that need only a couple small things done, not sure of all the details, but one might need a new motherboard, $200. Because they had so many, he was able to "requisition" one for me. Now we just have to get the money for a motherboard and I should have something to get me by until I can afford a nice, shiny new Powerbook.

So, my roomie A and I are heading Dublin, Ireland Thursday night. I am getting so excited I have trouble sleeping some nights! I keep running things I need to do through my head, over and over. If anyone has been there, or heard anything helpful, let me know. We will be there from the 13th and leaving the 21st. We have a reservation for a hostel for fri and sat night, then we are renting a car and heading out of the city, most likely along the coast, hitting castles and touristy stuff. Grabbing a hostel or B&B as we go. It is the off season, so things are going to be affordable. We are staying with a friend the last night we are there, back in Dublin, to make sure we get to the airport Saturday morning. A has a friend at work who might be able to hook us up with a night or so at a castle! SOOOO cool! Sleep in a castle. Something older then our country, by several centuries, with so much history you can't even wrap your mind around it! We are going to see the Guiness brewery the first day, Friday the 13th, A's 29th B-day. Then we will probably do some shopping Sat, and there is A goth club, in Dublin, we will go there Sat night.
Not much else going on. Ireland has consumed my life!

Sorry I missed your party. Previous engagements, I'm sure you understand. And from what I've been told, I should have been there, as someone was expecting me. Oh well.
Have fun in Dublin!