*sigh* Can't decide if I like this new guy or not. See previous journal messages if you're lost. I was sick Monday night. I thought it was something I ate. General stomach grumbly, but boi had it too, not as bad. We didn't eat the same thing, so thought it could have been a flu thing. Not feeling to omuch better the next day, but thought I'd be a trooper, pound some Pepto and go to work. The attendance policy is that you don't get penalized by points if you go it and try instead of calling in. I get there, and tell him the story, blah blah. Is response? If it is something you ate, it will pass through. Make sure you drink water. (Not that dehydration was an issue) All this while NEVER F'N LOOKING UP FROM HIS PAPERWORK!!! Grrrr. Strio suggested I should have said, "OK, well, if I go home sick tonight, you can find a new night manager. Oh, glad I finally got you to look up." Too risky. Knowing my luck, he would say OK, even thoguh it would Frell up a whole lot of shit. I hate dealing with unknown personality in manager position when I know my job... blah. Enough of that. Need to update resume and hit the job boards. Wish me luck.

Yo Blondie would you be able to host the afterparty for the next coming event. We are setting it at Redbones And Sacco's Poolhall & Billiards. If you can get back to me. ozy
ummm, considering the fact that my place consists of a large kitchen, a hallway, and my bedroom, besides my roomies'; no. When is this supposed to happen? I will check the forum for details since I haven't read it lately.