SO! April was a crazy, fucked up month for me. It has come & gone so FAST! I lost one of the best dudes I've ever known in a tragic accident, 2 days before my birthday. Claudio was like a brother to me & I just can't believe he's gone. Losing him just made all the special events this month less special cos I couldn't invite Claudio. He fell off the barge he was working on in the Ohio river and never resurfaced until 2 weeks later they found him on 4/20. Also all month long my grandma was dying of cancer and they had her & all this hospital shit in the living room at my moms house, where I always throw my parties, and there was all this family staying there 24/7, just waiting for her to die, taking care of her like a baby. It was like a nightmare over there. So no birthday party for me, and she died like 2-3 days before 4/20, so her funeral was on 4/20, completely ruining my holiday! SO bummer birthday, bummer 4/20. That's why I haven't been updating often like I wanted to start doing. I feel like I've just been in this daze type. Typing just felt too much like a task.
So on a lighter note, I'm cheering up and I'm so happy they're playing The Mighty Boosh on Adult Swim! I fucking LOVE that show && could never find the US version on DVD. It seems like they're only playing season 3 tho, so I hope they're smart enough to play the episode with Old Gregg. I gotta see that shit on this Samsung HD LCD BABY!!! Also, I'm bummed that Xavier is already over!
PFFR should just do season 3 of Wonder Showzen & give it to Adult Swim. Fuck MTV for canceling that shit. I still want that WS tattoo I've been dreaming about. Oh $$, I hate you. I just realized I'm talking a lot about TV. I don't watch too much tho. But if I'm gonna talk about TV, I'm gonna talk about LOST. That show is probably my favorite of all time. Altho, I feel like I've been getting too faded before during and I'm loosing track of what's happening. Like when the fuck is Sun gonna meet up with Jin. Maybe I'm just having a hard time with all this time travel shit. Love, Love, Love LOST! Okay, I'm done talking about TV. Oh except, FINALLY Prison Break is back!
If anyone is familiar with the gamer blog Kotaku, I recently entered one of their contests to win that new game Red Faction: Guerrilla. You had to take a picture with a bunch of red shit & "Kotaku". Now, I think this game actually looks sick, and games are fucking expensive, hence me entering this contest. But, I'm getting all this stupid feedback from idiots saying, oh she shouldn't win when she can just buy the game cos she's a suicide girl, blah blah. Mad shit being talked. Some good tho. But damn, gamers are feisty. Get over it, sex sells, and my pictures were the best & most red. I want this game, I like Kotaku, haters suck it. Here's the link, Kotaku Contest 4 Red Faction. I also upoaded the pictures on here in a album under *pics* so check them out && let me know what you think! Those pix were just shot with my Kodak in my sitting room, so also let me know if you think if I shot a set for SG with the same camera, less red of course, if you think there's any chance of it getting accepted on here.
Here's a peek:

I know that one's fucked up, I didn't actually use it, but I'm into it.
Okay, that's my hella update for April. I wanna start updating more, we'll see if that really happens. I'm so lazy with typing cos my nails are too long!
xoxo Blondie
So on a lighter note, I'm cheering up and I'm so happy they're playing The Mighty Boosh on Adult Swim! I fucking LOVE that show && could never find the US version on DVD. It seems like they're only playing season 3 tho, so I hope they're smart enough to play the episode with Old Gregg. I gotta see that shit on this Samsung HD LCD BABY!!! Also, I'm bummed that Xavier is already over!

If anyone is familiar with the gamer blog Kotaku, I recently entered one of their contests to win that new game Red Faction: Guerrilla. You had to take a picture with a bunch of red shit & "Kotaku". Now, I think this game actually looks sick, and games are fucking expensive, hence me entering this contest. But, I'm getting all this stupid feedback from idiots saying, oh she shouldn't win when she can just buy the game cos she's a suicide girl, blah blah. Mad shit being talked. Some good tho. But damn, gamers are feisty. Get over it, sex sells, and my pictures were the best & most red. I want this game, I like Kotaku, haters suck it. Here's the link, Kotaku Contest 4 Red Faction. I also upoaded the pictures on here in a album under *pics* so check them out && let me know what you think! Those pix were just shot with my Kodak in my sitting room, so also let me know if you think if I shot a set for SG with the same camera, less red of course, if you think there's any chance of it getting accepted on here.
Here's a peek:

I know that one's fucked up, I didn't actually use it, but I'm into it.
Okay, that's my hella update for April. I wanna start updating more, we'll see if that really happens. I'm so lazy with typing cos my nails are too long!
xoxo Blondie

Wow, sounds like you had a rough month. Sorry about that. Your Kotaku set is awesome and I hope you win. Some games should not be $60. I'm surprised about how much I enjoy the Might Boosh. I hope they pick up more British comedy like Spaced.
sorry about your friend, Claudio & grandmother. At least they're in a better place, right? Hope things will be on the up and up from now on. After seeing those pics of you in red all I can say is cue the music "LADY IN REDDDDD!!!", so beautiful