so it's 3am on a saturday night. a totally wasted saturday night. not having a car FUCKING SUCKS. and now kyle wrecked his car on friday so neither of us have a car now. i swear nobody has a car. all i know is i NEED one. asap!! but even without a car i've been keeping busy. like a week ago i went to the musem with kyle, i helped my friend corinne move out of her dorm on tuesday and i went to fridays with kyle on thursday. everything after that is kinda fuzzy. oh friday i went to walmart then later me & corinne watched saw 4. which was VERY confusing, but i think i got it at the end. hard to believe they're supposed to make like7 of those movies. in other news my job still SUCKS. i think i worked like last sunday and i don't work again until next saturday. WTF!!! if anyone in the pittsburgh area knows of a place that's hiring let me know!! i need to buy a car and that's not happening with my GnArLy $68 paychecks. i'm done talking. here's some pictures from the past weeeks?

Cute kid. would love to see you shoot with a professional photogropher.
im from pittsburgh, what area do u live in?