it was probably one of the scariest fucking things ever. it must've snowed like 5 inches and i was driving from kyle's to home and i was one minute from my exit on the parkway, which is usually 3 lanes but not last night, just a crooked ass path that probably only 6 or 7 cars traveled before me, anyways, i'm one min from my exit and then idk wtf happened. but i started spinning and hit the guardrail hard as FUCK head on and then spun again and again and then the back smashed into it. or at least i think that's how it happened. i was so sober and driving so good and 5 minutes from home and then THAT SHIT.
GOOD THING: i was totally fine and the car still drives and i made it home. BAD THING: it's my moms car and our only source of transportation. it's not even inspected. all we needed was a side mirror cos we live on a one way street and a bus swiped our mirror off in the summer. now it needs a whole new front end, new hood, back lights, tons of body work, who knows what else. ever since my mustang retired i've been sharing with her. i was trying to save up to get my own car again but now i gotta pay for this and that's not gonna be easy with $68 paychecks every 2 weeks from my fucked up job. idk what to do!!! ahh i hate EVERYTHING.
here's some pictures

i was so shook. i could have died! like WHAT?! that's so fucking crazy. i couldn't sleep for shit either.
i hope to god that someone can help me. i need to get this thing fixed asap and i'm broke.

GOOD THING: i was totally fine and the car still drives and i made it home. BAD THING: it's my moms car and our only source of transportation. it's not even inspected. all we needed was a side mirror cos we live on a one way street and a bus swiped our mirror off in the summer. now it needs a whole new front end, new hood, back lights, tons of body work, who knows what else. ever since my mustang retired i've been sharing with her. i was trying to save up to get my own car again but now i gotta pay for this and that's not gonna be easy with $68 paychecks every 2 weeks from my fucked up job. idk what to do!!! ahh i hate EVERYTHING.
here's some pictures

i was so shook. i could have died! like WHAT?! that's so fucking crazy. i couldn't sleep for shit either.
i hope to god that someone can help me. i need to get this thing fixed asap and i'm broke.
That is all what matters.