Talk about a bad way to start a day...actually, you ARE gonna have ot talk about it yourself, because I just changed my mind and decided not to.

Instead, have any of the, say, 4 people who might read this tried to work a friendship with someone who you wanted more from? (Or vice-versa?) I've been friends with this girl for probably 5 months or...
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Do you want her in a "more fun" way or in a "relationship" way? If you're just looking to get naked with her (your words, not mine) and she's a slut and you're both comfortable with that, what's the harm? As long as you both understand that what's going on.

Honestly, though, if you're looking for a relationship she doesn't sound like she's ready for that if she's getting involved with different guys left and right.

I've never tried to make a friendship "more fun," but I've wanted to. In the end, I am glad I didn't. I have one friend who actively pursued something more from me while I was with an ex-boyfriend. Then after we broke up. Then when I was with someone else. I guess he just didn't know how to take no for an answer. If you push her, you're going to make it seem like her friendship isn't as important to you as hooking up with her. Girls really cherish platonic male friendships because they come so few and far between.
Sold some plasma today, only got $20, and now it's down to $7. Bah and humbug.

Is anyone else completely digging the Olympics? I wasn't planning on watching any of it, but being broke, I'm forced to find free fun, and when illiteration gets old, I turn to TV.
Gymnasts are freaking great...and I love the way backstrokers take off and turn. That under-water, upside-down...
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I've been to the cities a lot. My mom grew up in Aitkin so we would go through there a lot and spend some time at the mall and downtown before heading north. I also have friends who go to UM. I went there a lot when I was younger for the top 20 meet at the university pool. And like I said, I go there every spring for that journalism conference. It's only about 8 hours away from here.
No love for Snoopy, huh? Where in the mall did you work?

Hey! So are you coming to the PSW gathering at Fright Fest or what?
Hello world

No job yet, but I had a two-day temp job last week at a textile expo, and I learned something very important. People in fashion are creepy, and not very attractive.
Also, every textile factory is in Asia. But I guess I should have known that before.
I've gotta win the lottery soon, or I'm fucked. Its a lot harder to enjoy a...
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I won $30. I work at a casino though, so going outside is more of a treat than winning $30 at someone else's money pit wink
I have a job, and I find myself in that position much more often than I'd like. Good luck, and try buying a tin of Drum or American Spirit tobacco and roll your own. It works pretty well when cigarette money is tight. smile
Is there any better way to spend a Saturday than piss-drunk at 3 in the afternoon, floating down a shit-filled little river in an inner tube when its 60 degrees and raining?

I didn't think so.

My farmer's tan is never going away.
Mmmmmnope, that's the only way to spend a saturday.
Beats what I did, reading the newspaper.
I just saw Eternal Sunshine tonight...cool shit. I love those movies (and books...and tv) that fuck you up, even just for a little bit.
This one made me feel like i was wasting my life, too, which is also fucking stellar. It's a good motivator, if only for a short while.
Not that it was a "great" movie, but when something can fuck with your...
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Hey...that was a pretty good movie....I really liked the trailer for 'garden state' that played during the previews for that movie. I love that emotional artsy crap. Thats how I felt the first time I watched Donnie Darko. It totally fucked with me...but the next few times I saw it I realized the movie really doesn't make too much sense.
sleep is good, though, I' am doing it yet, too many people in my fuckin house (and I a m DRUNK)later, man, damn i type drunk lingo too, how funny!!!! later tongue
Eating poporn, drinking my High Life and looking at pretty naked girls...and this is a bad day.
God bless America!
hey you. Yeah, you're right. Maybe I'm just moody...I took a look at Al's....uhhhhh....creepy! ha, well hope you're cool.
haha, yes i am one of those honors kids in middlebrook hall. but i always chilled more with the art kids there. damn, did we know how to party. i think we scared most of the honors kids half to death! tongue
I'm soooo fucking poor. I can't believe I've been unemployed for over 2 weeks and haven't started freaking out and applying everywhere yet...maybe I should. I gotta wonder how long I can keep this up before the debtors start beating down my door.
Thank god for food stamps.

Does anyone out there want to hire me?
I'm loyal, smart and a good worker. I also...
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I don't get paid a cent...but it's worth every minute. Jobs suck....find a way to free-load. Seriously.
I actually work as a weather forecaster for local aviation. But I got paid to go to school....so no worries about student loans. Cloves are an occasional guilty pleasure...i usually stick to my marbs. Yeah, you should get yourself a sugar mamma...

[Edited on Aug 03, 2004 4:07PM]
I've been awake for well over 40 hours now, out of nowhere, easily the longest in my life...it's weird as hell. Sad that I hadn't done it before, but suprising how easy...and how completely pointless. Our chemists come up with some wonderful things.

Does anyone else get MTV2 on broadcast television? I don't get what the hell's going on there. Not that I'm complaining.

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Hey. No, I don't have Live at sin-e, but I hear it's fantastic...doesn't it only have 4 extra tracks? The only album I have is grace....which is amazing...and the livein chicago dvd...which is equally as amazing. So I can only assume it is worth it...cause...ya know...he rocks blush
40 hours is far too long too stay awake i've done it a few times due to insomnia, but if I'm lucky never again.
I kind of look like the devil in that picture...no idea what's going on with the chin there.

Sane now.
ha! don't you know every woman is one drink from gay? You seem very well rounded. Peace out bro...
This is fucking ridicilious...but its easier than using a pen like a sucker.
Its 6:30 in the morning and I can't even think of going to sleep...I think the latest I've been up before this is 3, in the last 5 months or so. And I'm almost out of cigarettes...somethings got to break. Luckily I joined up here today and I can kill time looking...
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Now you have a comment! what a good day
Ahhhhh....I can rest easy now, knowing all my hard work wasn't in vain.