Hello world
No job yet, but I had a two-day temp job last week at a textile expo, and I learned something very important. People in fashion are creepy, and not very attractive.
Also, every textile factory is in Asia. But I guess I should have known that before.
I've gotta win the lottery soon, or I'm fucked. Its a lot harder to enjoy a weekend when 1) you're unemployed and 2) you have 6 dollars to last the month, and need to buy cigarettes.
No job yet, but I had a two-day temp job last week at a textile expo, and I learned something very important. People in fashion are creepy, and not very attractive.
Also, every textile factory is in Asia. But I guess I should have known that before.
I've gotta win the lottery soon, or I'm fucked. Its a lot harder to enjoy a weekend when 1) you're unemployed and 2) you have 6 dollars to last the month, and need to buy cigarettes.

I won $30. I work at a casino though, so going outside is more of a treat than winning $30 at someone else's money pit 

I have a job, and I find myself in that position much more often than I'd like. Good luck, and try buying a tin of Drum or American Spirit tobacco and roll your own. It works pretty well when cigarette money is tight.