After 4 years away from the game, todays my first day back at school. Got my spiffy new calculator, my sweet 5-subject notebook, and a couple shots of whiskey in my backpack. Should be fun.
I wish I could just fly to campus, though. This commuting thing is gonna be a bitch. God, how I hate the bus.
Just dropping through and noticed you have some great choices for your favourite films. Plus it seems I have the opportunity to keep you company. Take care. x.
It seems like the only time I'm ever updating this thing is in the far-too-early mornings. I've got the worst hangover now, part alcohol and part bad vibes from last night, and now I've got to go to work. Shitty.
I'm pretty sure I'm losing my hair, very quickly. Not in a pattern or anything, but from all over. That can be a sign of... Read More
This smoking ban thing is killing me...I know in the long run it'll be good for me, but its just shitty policy, and that pisses me off to no end.
I damn near cried when I was having my last cigarette at my favorite coffee shop...and then the fucking mayor comes to my bar with a bus full of old white people in matching t-shirts... Read More
As much as I'd love to just beat the ever loving crap outta him, I ain't gonna. I'm just gonna sit back and watch it fail. And it will too, it always does with her.
It's been ages since I've been around here....once again forgot how much I like pretty naked girls.
Anyway, I'm bored and on the interent, so I reckon I'll be around a lot again. So its a happy day for everyone.
I'm not sure how to feel now...pissed off, disappointed, depressed or anything else, but right now I'm just in a bad mood.
It seems like for a very large chunk of my adult life the bulk of the people who run my country are going to have fundamentally different views than me.
People do a lot of freaky shit in that office - people such as the editor and asst. news editor, who are currently dating. The set wouldn't have been a problem, I don't think, as I went to the trouble of removing most evidence of the paper's name. If you didn't know me, and you weren't out to get me, it should've been fine. However, I appreciate the suggestion, and I took it down.
I am sorry you feel sad....I don't have a lot to say because my sleeping pills are kicking in and I feel tired...but here is a hug from me to you *hug*