I might be working again soon. woohoo. *vomit*
Im trying to get a job at the st louis bread company by my house since I know i can get food for free. My last job only was able to keep me around because i was too poor to eat anywhere else or buy groceries. I also applied at the diner by my place. I would love to work there, I miss working at a diner. thatll get me some paint and canvas money if I have a job. my cats ass got perforated and i cant rent him out to felons anymore so I have to make money the 'honest' way.
Im trying to get a job at the st louis bread company by my house since I know i can get food for free. My last job only was able to keep me around because i was too poor to eat anywhere else or buy groceries. I also applied at the diner by my place. I would love to work there, I miss working at a diner. thatll get me some paint and canvas money if I have a job. my cats ass got perforated and i cant rent him out to felons anymore so I have to make money the 'honest' way.
hey whats up
trust me we suck more! we suck so much we've decided cause we cant play were just gonna say were trying to sound like sonic youth with a bunch of noise...