I heard the heartbeat of my child for the first time today. I continue to adapt to what is going on and I look forward to what will be.
NEUROSIS @ the Troubadour on Sat. was amazing as usual. Great mix of songs off the last few records. They simply ruin any other live band. Too many kids at the show, though. I guess the popularity of bands like ISIS that can't be mentioned without NEUROSIS brings the children. It's cool. Just don't swing your gay little haircut in my face when I'm trying...
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thanks for the comment on my set so long ago...xox dusty

I have to go to a wedding this weekend. Not really my thing, but they are friends. I have to wear a Hawaiian print shirt. Again, not my thing.
the title of the 4 song ep is going to be "Bones Broken, Promises Kept"
Zero Sacrifice
Zero Sacrifice

Good, that makes me a little happier. I have seen so many Bush/Cheney '04 bumper stickers around that I want to

I've spent so many years trying to control my temper and not rage on people that piss me off. recently, this has been happening more often and I can feel the control slipping away. I dream of letting loose on various people in various situations and it feels good.
scary that people still recognize me from a cable show I did years ago. nothing like when it was on and the white-trash family waited for me to come out of 7-11 to creep me out with their television fueled adoration. I told them that it frightened me to think they were raising a child and to try laying off the marijuana. reminds me that...
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somehow this flew under my radar LAST YEAR! Public Enemy "Son of a Bush" great shit. I picked up "Yo Bum Rush the Show" when it came out in '87 and was a fan instantly. even when I think they hate my white ass I'm down.
the bass player from my band is going on tour in his other band w/ danzig and the blackest of the black tour. it should be pretty cool to see danzig and doyle playing together for all the dates. I'm going to go on halloween to the date in LA. if I didn't have so much respect for the music he has done, I'd bust...
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I've got nothing to say
fuck dealing with music! I'm sick of the bullshit involved with getting shit together, members flaking, studio crap...I'm spreading myself too thin and seeing nothing back. burn motherfuckers
I know what you mean jellybean....
the end of kill bill 2 bugs the shit out of me. that little brat almost ruins the whole thing. the bride should have decapitated the little, fish-killing monster and walked out the door.