Not one solitary day passes that I haven't felt grateful about finding my life's vocation. It's been a little over one year since I've first gained employment as a massage therapist, and an additional eighteen months prior to that for schooling. Needless to say the journey thus far has been extremely rewarding, if not short. Already I have a steady base flow of regulars who visit at least twice a month, and then there are a few who I provide services for outside of my 10-6 job. To find steady success in this industry, you need a cult following, so to speak. To date, I believe my regular client count is around the 12-15 person marker (this is excluding walk-ins and one time clients), and I personally believe that's quite a number given the fact that I'm still a newbie to the profession. Maybe some have had greater success, and to those therapists, I say "Kudos!" This is still a remarkable feat for me.
Although this passion will likely morph in and out of various mediums, i.e. massage therapy, soon-to-be-physical therapy/chiropractic work/acupuncture, the underlying emphasis is on me helping those who cannot medically help themselves. The adrenaline rush of improving a client's range of motion almost fifty percent better than what they walked in's enough to make you Harlem Shake for an eternity. Or perhaps an additional thirty seconds! Either way, you feel better about getting rid of someone else's pain. I think deep down we all want to get rid of someone else's ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. Hopefully I can continue to help as many people as I can in the years to come. Improving the world one health(ier) body at a time.
On a lighter note, I can now afford to be a little frivolous and buy The Walking Dead Compendium II! If there are any other suggestions for reading material, I am all ears (err, all eyes.) Until next entry...
Although this passion will likely morph in and out of various mediums, i.e. massage therapy, soon-to-be-physical therapy/chiropractic work/acupuncture, the underlying emphasis is on me helping those who cannot medically help themselves. The adrenaline rush of improving a client's range of motion almost fifty percent better than what they walked in's enough to make you Harlem Shake for an eternity. Or perhaps an additional thirty seconds! Either way, you feel better about getting rid of someone else's pain. I think deep down we all want to get rid of someone else's ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. Hopefully I can continue to help as many people as I can in the years to come. Improving the world one health(ier) body at a time.
On a lighter note, I can now afford to be a little frivolous and buy The Walking Dead Compendium II! If there are any other suggestions for reading material, I am all ears (err, all eyes.) Until next entry...
Thank you! I'll redouble my blood donating efforts, maybe sign in under three different names ;-) I feel more like a little guy in a rowboat that's tossed about by the waves, not a Sea Captain. But we'll see. It's just at my age I don't really relish the thought of "selling myself on the open market".